Human Rights Group Says Turkey Continues Killing, Beating Syrian Refugees

Editado por Pavel Jacomino
2016-05-10 16:23:10


New York, May 10 (RHC)-- Human Rights Watch says Turkish border guards are continuing to shoot and beat Syrian refugees trying to cross into Turkey, calling on the country to investigate abuses.

Turkish border guards in March and April used excessive force against Syrians and a smuggler trying to reach Turkey, killing five people, including a child, and injuring 14 others, the group said on Tuesday.

Human Rights Watch, which interviewed victims, witnesses, and Syrian locals said eight refugees were also shot injured while six others were severely assaulted during the same period.

"While senior Turkish officials claim they are welcoming Syrian refugees with open borders and open arms, their border guards are killing and beating them," said Gerry Simpson, a senior HRW refugee researcher.

The rights group also urged Ankara to abide by international laws and stop attacking refugees or banning them from crossing the borders.  The New-York based watchdog also called on Turkish authorities to investigate the excessive use of force by the Turkish border guards. 


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