Cuban President Raul Castro Meets with Visiting President of Cape Verde

Editado por Ivan Martínez
2015-12-17 14:55:03


Havana, December 17 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro met on Wednesday with the visiting President of Cape Verde, Jorge Carlos de Almeida Fonseca.

The two leaders addressed the positive course of bilateral relations, whose 40th anniversary was marked earlier this year. They also exchanged views on different international issues and agreed to further develop relations between their nations.

The president of Cape Verde was accompanied by the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, Antonio Correia e Silva, and by Ambassador Daniel Oliveira, as well as diplomatic advisor Arnaldo Delgado.

The Cuban delegation to the official talks included Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, Higher Education Minister Rodolfo Alarcon and Deputy Foreign Minister Rogelio Sierra.


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