Washington, February 18 (RHC)-- The National Security Agency, the NSA, says it has forced out a civilian staffer and downgraded two others in response to the security breach that allowed Edward Snowden to seize a massive trove of documents. ... More

Jakarta, February 18 (RHC)-- More than 200,000 people are being evacuated in Indonesia after a major volcanic eruption. Dangerous ash and rocks have spewed from Java island’s Mount Kelud, threatening residents in at least 36 villages. ... More

Miami, February 18 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Florida, a jury has convicted Michael Dunn of three counts of attempted murder for opening fire on a car of unarmed Black teenagers during an argument over loud music at a gas station in Jacksonville. ... More

Caracas, February 17 (RHC)-- Private and international media manipulated information about the violents actions of the right-wing with a view to destabilize the country.... More

Quito, February 17 (RHC)-- Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa warned that the right-wing has implemented a dirty campaign to create a violent situation.... More

La Paz, February 17 (RHC)-– Bolivian Defense Secretary Ruben Saavedra announced the arrival of aid and resources from the United Nations and Panama to help those affected by intense rains.... More

Montevideo, February 17 (RHC)-– The Parliament of the Southern Common Market (PARLASUR) has condemned all violent actions that have taken place in Venezuela and highlighted the need to resolve their problems without foreign intervention.... More

Kabul, February 17 (RHC)-- Afghan President Hamid Karzai says he has seen “no good” with the presence of American forces in his country, prompting further speculations of a breakdown of trust between Kabul and Washington.... More

Tel Aviv, February 17 (RHC)-- Israel has rejected warnings by the United States that it could face a growing boycott if talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority fail.... More

Washington, February 17 (RHC)-- Newly released video shows U.S. forces abducting a terrorism suspect from outside his home in Libya last year. Abu Anas al-Libi was snatched from the streets of Tripoli and interrogated for a week aboard a U.S. warship following his capture in October. ... More

London, February 17 (RHC)-- Barclays, Britain’s second largest bank by assets, has announced fresh job cuts of up to 12,000 in 2014 despite an increase in the total amount it paid on staff bonuses last year. ... More

Ottawa, February 17 (RHC)-- The Canadian government has granted a new identity and passport to an agent of the Israeli spying service Mossad who had been involved in an assassination plot in 2010.... More

Ramallah, February 17 (RHC)-- Palestinian prisoners in an Israeli prison have complained about the poor sanitary conditions at the facility, despite claims by Israel that its prisons meet international standards.... More

Paris, February 17 (RHC)-- A poll shows that a majority of the French people are opposed to military interventions by France in African states and other countries. ... More

Caracas, February 15 (RHC) -– The Government of Colombia expressed deep regret over the recent violent events in Venezuela, that left three people dead and dozens of others injured.... More
