Cuban President Miguel Dìaz-Canel Bermudez. UN Photo

United Nations, September 26 (RHC)-- Text of speech by Cuban president follows.... More

The UNICEF has just disclosed that the world is holding no less than thirty million children and adolescents who qualify as refugees, most of them without the company of an adult or family member.... More

Cuba's National Hero Jose Marti. File photo

This is Radio Havana Cuba's “The Voice of Jose Marti.”   Part One focused largely on the War Diaries of Martí, ending with his death on May 19, 1895.... More

Photo: Ecured

IT was March 5th 1960, a massive concentration of people to give their last farewell to 101 soldiers and harbor workers, including six French sailors who were the victims the day before of a CIA-led sabotage against the French freighter La Coubre, which was blown up at a Havana harbor pier while workers were downloading a cargo consisting of weapons and munitions for the Cuban army.... More

The electoral victory of Nicolas Maduro this Sunday is symbolic of the Venezuelan people's determination to stand in the way of a capitalist rebirth in their nation, said German Sanchez, Cuba's top diplomat in Venezuela for a decade and a half. ... More

Radio Havana Cuba's Dxers Unlimited Mid-Week Edition Tuesday 1 May 2018... More

The following is the statement by Cuban Ambassador Anayansi Rodriguez, at the open debate of the United Nations Security Council on the situation in the Middle East, delivered on April 26, 2018.... More

Havana, Feb 22 (RHC)-- Various initiatives are planned around the world to mark February 23th, the 115th anniversary of the illegal occupation of a portion of Cuban territory in Guantánamo by a U.S. naval base.... More

When It just seemed that the US was on the path to correct its decade-long blockade against Cuba then Donald Trump came to the White House. ... More

Donald Trump’s first year in power in the US has revealed a gruesomely brazen, unrepentant reactionary man at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation. ... More

Cuban President Raúl Castro

Following are the closing remarks by Cuban President Raúl Castro, during Thursday's plenary session of the Cuban Parliament in Havana. (Taken from Granma International)... More

The President of the United States Donald Trump has suffered a new defeat when judge Ray Moore, his candidate to a vacant post in the Senate in the State of Alabama, a traditional turf of the Republican Party, was defeated by the Democrat aspirant, Doug James. ... More

If Donald Trump has met huge storms as he sails his foreign policy through oceanic waters he has neither traveled with luck in the domestic scene.... More

The President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro has revealed the implementation of a new scheme to create a virtual national currency, in order to prevent the damage caused by the aggressive US economic war against that South American nation through the domestic moneyed circles that still operate there. ... More

CELAC, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, has just arrived at the sixth year of its foundation in December 2011 in Caracas, Venezuela, and is still involved in the struggle against hunger and poverty, one of its top priorities as evidenced in its first Summit, held in Chile in twenty thirteen.... More
