We should be skeptical when Trump, or any leader, invokes secret “intelligence” to justify their violent actions.... More

By William Rivers Pitt, Truthout... More

By Kathy Kelly, National Catholic Reporter... More

For the first time over the last 30 years, Panamanian authorities agreed to declare "National Day of Mourning" on December 20th... More

2019 was marked by a further tightening of Washington’s economic, commercial and financial blockade of Cuba with the imposition on new sanctions by the Donald Trump Administration, though all of the hostile measures by the US crashed against the firm resistance of the Cuban people and the rejection by most nations of the world.... More

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is pushing a bill which will outlaw advocacy for the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions Movement (BDS)... More

A new law giving security forces immunity from prosecution does not bode well for Brazil's democracy... More

What began over a public transportation fare hike in Chile grew into a massive protest movement against inequality and abuse... More

The Duke of York sleeps tonight on a feather pillow in a royal palace. Julian Assange, the publisher of the century sleeps in the hell of Belmarsh Prison, Britain’s own Guantanamo Bay.... More

In a word, he wasn’t “our guy” in La Paz, Bolivia’s political capital.   ... More

The United States’ fingerprints are all over the coup. ... More

The year of 2019 is coming to a close and with it, comes the day most Americans set aside as a day for Thanksgiving. As I let my mind wander beyond the steel bars and concrete walls, I try to imagine what the people who live outside the prison gates are doing, and what they are thinking.... More

Close to celebrating in 2020 two decades, the Integral Cooperation Agreement between Cuba and Venezuela stands against the unilateral, coercive measures unleashed by the United States Government against the two Latin American nations and is a firm mechanism of cooperation, solidarity, resistance, development and friendship between the two Latin American nations.... More

The legend has it that during the huge march from Paris to the Versailles Palace on October 5-6 1789, right in the middle of the French Revolution, the wife of Louis XV, Marie Anthoinette, asked what was the people demanding. She was told that the crowds were protesting over the scarcity of bread and its mounting prize and over spreading hunger and malnutrition.... More

Honduras demands a change

In June 2009, the then constitutional President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya was deposed by a coup. Ten years later, that Central American nation continues suffering deep political, economic and social problems that are continually deepening.... More
