The presence of a U.S. nuclear submarine at the Guantanamo military base, in territory usurped from Cuba, reaffirms the reasons for the inhabitants of the Caribbean archipelago to demand its return.... More

The United States has not been able to find a solution to a problem that threatens the safety of its citizens, and that has become an epidemic, a health problem: gun violence.... More

The violent events of July 11, 2021, in which an attempt was made against the constitutional order and the stability of the socialist state, are part of the long list of actions developed by the United States against Cuba, since the revolutionary triumph of 1959.... More

Latin America and the Caribbean - and Cuba in that region - have prepared to make substantial contributions to the European Union-CELAC summit meeting, scheduled for July 17-18 in Belgium.... More

The Amazon is in danger. Without urgent action it could reach a point of no return, putting at risk the survival of the native peoples that inhabit it, 10% of the world's known biodiversity and aggravating the climate crisis, which affects everyone.... More

The withdrawal of the Israeli military forces from the Jenin refugee camp, adjacent to the city of the same name, left a trail of destruction; but standing, almost astonishingly, there were still photos of the young Palestinians imprisoned or killed in the last months.... More

Dengue, transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito, has become an endemic disease in most Latin American and Caribbean nations, where the number of cases has been increasing every year.... More

Together with the Cubans in this historic month of July, there will be friends from other nations, especially from Latin America and the Caribbean, to once again show their support for Cuba, for its struggle against the genocidal U.S. blockade and in defense of its right to live in peace.... More

 MERCOSUR, the Common Market of the South, continues to focus on a future agreement with the European Union.... More

An urgency of these times is solidarity and the coordination of joint projects from the South to increase resilience and reduce the vulnerability of less developed countries to the adverse effects of climate change.... More

Cubans see CARICOM, the Caribbean Community, as an integration mechanism resistant to economic adversities, climate fickleness and natural disasters.... More

Peruvians are preparing for a new massive protest demanding the resignation of Dina Boluarte, who became president of the country after last December's parliamentary coup against Pedro Castillo, democratically elected at the polls in 2021 by more than 50% of the electorate.... More

Uncertainty in Guatemala

A little more than a week has passed since the general elections were held in Guatemala, and the panorama is tense and uncertain in the Central American nation, where civil society organizations denounced that the results of the first round of elections are in danger, after the controversial ruling of the Constitutional Court, supported by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal.... More

As part of official visits, work visits or to attend international meetings, Bolivian President Luis Arce has arrived in Havana on several occasions, the last of them recently.... More

The urgent need to protect the sovereignty and integrity of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean and to fight against the negative effects of neoliberal policies in the region, which have increased poverty and inequality, were the focus of the debates of the Sao Paulo Forum, which met in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil.... More
