Biden is gone, what now?

As predicted in a previous commentary, the weekend was key in defining the resignation of the President of the United States, Joseph Biden, to maintain his candidacy for re-election, who finally listened to an increasingly strong clamor within his party and stepped aside.... More

A product of the Cuban Center for Molecular Immunology (CIM), the CIMAVAX therapeutic vaccine against lung cancer, the first to be registered in the world, is extending its benefits to a greater number of people.... More

The complex situation of the electric energy system has also been in the spotlight of Cuban legislators in recent days, who were able to learn about the work being done to advance the goal of changing the country's energy matrix, thereby reducing dependence on fossil fuels.... More

As usual, the Nicaraguan government celebrated the anniversary of the Sandinista Revolution, this time the 45th, together with the people.... More

Biden on the tightrope

The President of the United States and candidate for re-election in next November's elections is increasingly isolated, and not precisely because of the Covid-19 discovered this week, but because of the concern generated by his possible defeat by the Republican Donald Trump.... More

The Third Ordinary Session of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, in its Tenth Legislature, continues in Havana its debates on important aspects of national events, after several days of in-depth analysis by the working commissions of the legislative body.... More

Ecuador is in a state of "internal armed conflict", as declared by President Daniel Noboa last January in response to the high level of violence, which has raised objections from various sectors of society due to the threat it poses to human rights.... More

For months, the attention of various sectors of Uruguayan society has been focused on the controversial Neptuno project to build a water treatment plant in the area of Arazatí, which would supply water to the capital, Montevideo, but which they see as an attempt by the government of Luis Lacalle Pou to privatize the service of the precious liquid.... More

Unbridled violence in the U.S.

The shooting that occurred during a campaign event of former President Donald Trump, in which he was wounded, two people were killed, including the shooter, and there are two people in delicate condition, has caused a deep uproar around the world.... More

The search for truth in Mexico

Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will soon end his six-year term, and he is maintaining an orderly transition with the elected head of state, Claudia Sheinbaum, among whom there is agreement that the Ayotzinapa case is not closed.... More

For many of Colombia's informal rural workers, the pension reform approved by President Gustavo Petro offers hope for a less precarious retirement.... More

Like a common usurer, Democratic Senator Robert Menendez hid his ill-gotten money in clothes, envelopes, trunks and safes, in addition to hiding gold bars in closets, but a New York jury proved that part of his fortune was obtained through corruption.... More

Rearranging and creating more favorable conditions for their operation, in accordance with the law, is the spirit of the new regulations in Cuba regarding non-state economic actors.... More

The genocide continues

While the world is entertained by sports tournaments in Europe and America, or the recent crisis caused by the attack against the former president and candidate for re-election in the United States, Donald Trump, the Zionist State of Israel continues its campaign of extermination against the Palestinian people.... More

Controversy has once again erupted in Peruvian society following the announcement that former dictator Alberto Fujimori could run for president in the 2026 general elections for the right-wing Popular Force Party, which he joined last June.... More
