The British high court did not make it easy for the press to cover Julian Assange’s anti-extradition hearings in late February. For those of you who may have forgotten, Assange just appealed his extradition to the United States, where he faces brutal punishment for practicing journalism. But the British high court doesn’t want you to remember.  How else to explain it making press coverage of the proceedings so extraordinarily difficult?... More

Speech by the President of the Republic of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel at the ceremony to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace.  ... More

The taste of China

泸州老窖(Luzhou Laojiao)is one of China's leading liquor producing companies, located in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province.  It is famous for its strong aroma type liquor and has several brands, the most prominent being Guojiao 1573.  This white liquor comes from the 1573 liquor deposits, a nationally protected site that was built in 1573 and is still in operation today.  This year, they were invited to participate in the Habano Festival held in Cuba from February 26th until March 1st.... More

The 24th edition of the Havana Cigar Festival in the Cuban capital is a highlight for this country, because the annual event prevails despite economic difficulties and other setbacks.  ... More

The president's Gaza policy is isolating the United States internationally and threatening his reelection prospects.... More

Speech by Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, at the Preparatory Ministerial Meeting of the XIX Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement. Kampala, Uganda, January 17-18, 2024.... More

Devoid of its trademark hustle and bustle, a solitary worker is seen cleaning the tables at the once vibrant McDonald’s franchise in Egypt amid the successful boycott campaign against popular food chains with links to the Israeli regime and its Western backers.  ... More

London, January 11 (RHC)-- Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is at risk of suicide if the UK High Court next month rejects his final appeal against extradition to the United States, his lawyer has warned. ... More

The deadline for Julian Assange’s fight against extradition to the United States looms, as British judges will decide his case on February 21.  Meanwhile, the American demand that Wikileaks publisher Assange stand trial in Virginia on trumped-up charges is what has kept this journalist locked up in Britain’s maximum security Belmarsh jail for four years, and sequestered for refuge in the Ecuadoran embassy in London for seven years before that... More

Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, at Céspedes Park, Santiago de Cuba, on January 1, 2024, "66th Year of the Revolution".... More

Speech delivered by Army General Raúl Castro Ruz, leader of the Revolution, on the occasion of the 65th Anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution, at Céspedes Park, Santiago de Cuba, on January 1, 2024, "66th Year of the Revolution".... More

As U.S. leaders celebrate Christmas with their families, Palestinians will be mourning the loss of their loved ones... More

Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the closing of the Second Ordinary Period of Sessions of the National Assembly of People's Power in its 10th Legislature, at the Convention Palace, on December 22, 2023, "Year 65 of the Revolution."... More

The Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum in Poland has decried what critics called genocidal remarks by the mayor of an Israeli town who said all of Gaza should be ethnically cleansed of Palestinians and turned into a museum like the notorious Nazi death camp.... More

In early 2024, a new, grim chapter may be written in the annals of journalistic history. Julian Assange, the publisher of Wikileaks, could board a plane for extradition to the United States, where he faces up to 175 years in prison on espionage charges for the crime of publishing newsworthy information.... More
