Kiev, February 24 (RHC)-- Ukraine is in a state of crisis after the country’s democratically-elected president was ousted Saturday following months of street protests that left at least 82 people dead. The acting government has issued an arrest warrant for ousted President Viktor Yanukovych after he fled the capital Kiev. ... More

Caracas, February 24 (RHC) –- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stated that Venezuela is a sovereign country that rejects any interference, in responding to the increasing intervention of external forces in his country's internal affairs.... More

Quito, February 24 (RHC) -– Ecuador's ruling Alianza Pais Party won the majority of the prefectures in the regional elections held this Sunday, but lost the mayorship of important municipalities of Quito and Guayaquil.... More

Cairo, February 24 (RHC)-- Egypt’s interim prime minister has announced the mass resignation of his government. The sudden resignation of the entire cabinet paves the way for Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to run for president after renouncing his post as defense minister. ... More

Mexico City, February 24 (RHC)-- Mexican authorities have arrested the head of Mexico’s largest drug cartel. Joaquin Guzman, nicknamed "El Chapo," was arrested in a condominium building in the resort town of Mazatlán. ... More

Kabul, February 24 (RHC)-- In Afghanistan, Taliban gunmen attacked an Afghan army base on Sunday, killing 21 soldiers in the worst single assault on Afghan forces since 2010. ... More

United Nations, February 24 (RHC)-- The United Nations Security Council has adopted a resolution calling on both sides of the Syrian conflict to allow delivery of humanitarian aid. The resolution was supported by Russia and China, who have vetoed past resolutions. ... More

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced that he will accept an invitation to meet on Monday with the governor of the State of Miranda, Henrique Capriles, former presidential candidate of the opposition. ... More

Caracas, Feb 21 (RHC)Following a fascist attack against the Venezuelan consulate in Aruba, foreign minister Elias Jaua said that the Bolivarian government proceeded to close is consular offices in Aruba, Curacao and Bonaire.... More

Caracas, February 21 (RHC) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro says Washington is interfering in his country’s internal affairs, adding that it is promoting ongoing violence by siding with rioters and opposition leaders.... More

Caracas, February 21 (RHC) –- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has warned that the U.S. television network CNN report the protests in the country accurately or face expulsion.... More

Washington, February 21 (RHC)-- The U.S. National Security Agency, the NSA, is considering the expansion of its controversial collection of phone records and data of the American public, drawing the anger of civil rights groups.... More

Ramallah, February 21 (RHC)-- Israeli gunboats have opened fire at Gazan fishermen off the southern Gaza Strip town of Rafah, according to a report by Press TV.... More

La Paz, February 21 (RHC) -– Bolivia's first communications satellite is under its full control and expected to be ready for operation on April 1st, Bolivian Space Agency (ABE) announced Sunday.... More

Moscow, February 21 (RHC)-- Russia has said the threat of sanctions against Ukraine is an attempt to blackmail Kiev by the West, accusing Ukrainian opposition hardliners of seeking a civil war. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made the statements on Thursday, as tensions remain high in the Ukrainian capital Kiev after renewed violence.... More
