In an article in The New York Times, Michelle Cottle summarizes well Trump’s mismanagement of the Covid-19 pandemic: “Day after day, the president has come before the nation in news briefings and on Twitter, spreading not simply nonsense but dangerous nonsense... More

 Rohingya refugees aboard boat in Gulf of Bengal.   (Photo: Google)

An overwhelming example of the turbulent times that we are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, are the fragile boats stranded in the Gulf of Bengal, very close to the shores of Bangladesh, where hundreds of Rohingyas are dying for the lack of food and water.  And still, none of the governments have accepted to receive them into their country and provide the necessary assistance.... More

President of the Republic of Azerbaijan addressing on-line virtual summit of Non-Aligned Movement.

Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, convoked a Virtual Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement, under the slogan “United against the Covid-19 Pandemic.”... More

The groundless criticism peddled by some U.S. politicians was not echoed by others, as China has taken solid actions to assist other countries and regions in beating the coronavirus and made great contributions to international human rights endeavors.... More

The Republic of Azerbaijan, in its capacity as President of the Non-Aligned Movement, convoked for May 4, 2020 a Virtual Summit, “United against Covid-19.” The Non-Aligned Movement has 120 members nations, which constitutes two-thirds of the members of the United Nations and represent 55% of the world’s population.... More

The unrestrained expansion of COVID-19 in Brazil -- a country that has nearly 90,000 confirmed cases and more than 6,000 deaths -- and the indifference of its authorities to this situation is scaring several neighboring countries.... More

Cuban workers en masse approach the Plaza of the Revolution on May 1, 2019; this year, “My plaza is my house.”

May Day in Cuba

“The tens of thousands of scientists and doctors that our country has were educated to save lives. This is the pride of our doctors, and our research centers. Tens of thousands of Cuban doctors have provided international service in the most remote and inhospitable places.”—Fidel Castro... More

Many analysts of the Left see the Covid-19 pandemic as demonstrating the failure of neoliberalism as a societal model.... More

No, no, no... not over your eyes!!

Brazilian President Jair Messias Bolsonaro, after one year and four months in the presidency, is having a hard time seeing that he may be approaching the end of his administration, while the COVID-19 pandemic ravages the poorest sectors of his country.... More

The Covid-19 pandemic demonstrates the inadequacy of the national health care systems of the world as well as the insufficient voice of scientists in influencing social policies.... More

We are in a historic moment defined by a sustained structural crisis of the world-system, whose symptoms began to be expressed in the 1970s; and impacted by the new coronavirus pandemic, which dramatically exposes the incapacity of world-system structures to respond to human needs. Let us look succinctly at the function and evolution of these structures.... More

The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, has requested extra support to assist millions of children living in the Middle East and North Africa, affected by the misfortunes of war and who are now been threatened by the COVID-19 pandemic.... More

As part of the strategy to confront COVID-19, Cuba has increased the number of diagnostic tests.  In the country, nearly two thousand samples are being analyzed daily to detect possible infections.... More

Few expected Washington to face up squarely to the deficiencies in the U.S. federal response to COVID-19, but fewer imagined that it would be so desperate in scapegoating others.... More

Henry Kissinger was secretary of state and national security adviser in the Nixon and Ford administrations.

In an article in the Wall Street Journal on April 3, Henry Kissinger asserts that “The Coronavirus Pandemic Will Forever Alter the World Order,” and that the United States must plan for a new epoch. In truth Kissinger does not envision a new epoch, but repair of a damaged global political-economic system... More
