The United States has some of the world's most innovative scientists. Yet their ability to imagine can be easily outshined when some Washington politicians scramble to smear China during the coronavirus pandemic.... More

The Cuban evening news television/radio program La Mesa Redonda of April 13 was dedicated to the theme of the battle of Cuban science against Covid-19, including efforts to make a vaccine. ... More

The COVID-19 pandemic is now present in most countries of Africa, where there are more than 16,500 infected people and nearly 900 deaths.... More

Yemen: Caught between two fronts

The United Nations warns that Yemen could soon be placed in between two fronts -- war and a pandemic -- a situation overwhelmingly uncertain for the Yemeni people, who have been subjected for five years to a brutal military aggression led by Saudi Arabia and supported by Western powers.... More

Covid-19: Lessons from Cuba

In the battle against Covid-19, Cuba has important lessons to teach the world.... More

U.S. President Donald Trump and the governor of the influential state of New York, Andrew Cuomo, have been arguing over the eventual re-opening of the American economy, even as the coronavirus pandemic continues wreaking havoc on the U.S. Empire.... More

Washington is not only trying to shirk its responsibility, but also seeks to undermine the WHO's irreplaceable role in coordinating global efforts to combat the pandemic.... More

The people overwhelmingly support the anti-Covid 19 measures, and the government exhorts the slackers to get on board.

On the evening television/radio news program La Mesa Redonda on April 10, Dr. Rolando Pérez Rodríguez, Director of Science and Innovation of BioCubaFarma, and Dr. Gerardo E. Guillén Nieto, Director of Biomedical Research of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of BioCubaFarma, spoke of the determined and dedicated efforts of Cuban scientific researchers to develop a vaccine to defeat the Covid-19 pandemic.... More

Cuban research in vanguard of fight against coronavirus.

Hundreds of Cuban scientists from many research centers, institutions, and university faculty departments are racing against the clock, working to save lives before they are taken by a new virus sweeping the world.... More

In the midst of the critical epidemiological situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic, U.S. President Donald Trump is doing something that he has wanted to do for a long time -- the mass deportation of undocumented migrants whose asylum requests were being processed.... More

Donald Trump has criticized the World Health Organization for not seeing the Clovid-19 pandemic.... More

The next crisis

In just three or four months, Sars-CoV-2, the virus that causes the disease that has brought the whole world to the brink, dismantled all the forecasts on the possible economic performance of developed and poor countries, and placed us on the threshold of another crisis.... More

Bitter lessons to be learned

Spaniards, like everyone else in the world, will have a lot to think about when the COVID-19 pandemic ends. ... More

There has been a certain rumor circulating for days -- which some say is "fake news" -- about the alleged deposition of the Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro by the army, due to their discontent over his terrible management of the health crisis created by COVID-19.... More

The World Health Organization

The Cuban Plan of Prevention and Control of Covid-19, approved on March 5 and modified as the situation has evolved, is fully consistent with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO).... More
