Encouraging news

Students from several universities in the European Union intensify their actions of solidarity with the people of Palestine, victims of an extermination operation coldly calculated and executed by the Zionist state of Israel, which has already caused more than 35 thousand deaths, most of them children and women.... More

An historic visit

More than six decades have passed since the reestablishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and Russia, which have been marked by respect, solidarity and fluid dialogue, but above all by friendship between the peoples of the two countries.... More

More than a month after the attack by Ecuadorian troops on the Mexican embassy in Quito, to kidnap Jorge Glas, the former vice president's health continues to be precarious due to the conditions in the La Roca maximum security prison.... More

Children are undoubtedly one of the sectors hardest hit by the wave of violence in Ecuador, which in 2023 recorded more than 7,000 homicides, which led to it being classified as the most violent country in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More

The overwhelming ruling in favor of the Meliá Hotels International chain in a lawsuit filed in Spain for its management of hotels in Cuba, deals a significant blow to the United States blockade, in which the Joe Biden administration persists.... More

The extradition case against Julian Assange has been close to coming to some sort of resolution for at least four years now.... More

The wave of pro-Palestinian protests sweeping American campuses was triggered by Columbia University President Minouche Shafik’s order to forcibly clear a peaceful encampment on April 18. Her decision came as a direct result of her grilling the previous day before a House committee in Washington investigating alleged antisemitism on U.S. campuses: At the hearing, she pledged to take action against protesters.... More

The pulse between the government of President Bernardo Arévalo and the questioned Attorney General Consuelo Porras has once again gained intensity in Guatemala, who at all times has refused to resign from her position to which she accepted in 2018 and was ratified four years later by the previous one. President Alejandro Giammattei, accused of the deepening of corruption in the country under his government.... More

At the edge of the abyss

The feared words “nuclear weapons” have been uttered in the context of the war currently being waged in northern Europe, where the meddling and total absence of common sense of several Western powers could drown the world in a devastating atomic mushroom cloud.... More

Favorable trends from Jardines

Cuba reaffirmed the importance of tourism as a crucial industry for the economy and alleviating the country's difficulties, during its most important fair in the sector, the result of which was described as successful.... More

The polls were not wrong this time, and in the general elections held this Sunday in Panama, José Raúl Mulino was elected as the new president of the country, whose candidacy was enabled by the Supreme Court of Justice 48 hours before the polls were scheduled to take place.... More

Intifada in the United States

In more than half of the territory of the United States, demonstrations and other acts of protest are multiplying these days against the genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, which has the political and military support of the White House.... More

Guantánamo is the scene of a new International Peace Seminar and for the abolition of foreign military bases, which curtail the sovereignty of the people, They constitute a destabilizing element and a threat to international security.... More

Ricardo Martinelli expressed satisfaction upon learning that the Supreme Court of Justice of Panama endorsed a decision of the Electoral Court to allow lawyer José Raúl Mulino to replace the wealthy former president as a candidate in the elections on Sunday, May 5.... More

Promoting Cuba as the destination

In one of the most beautiful sun and beach tourist destinations in Cuba, the Jardines del Rey group of keys, in the center-east of the country, the forty-second International Tourism Fair takes place, considered one of the most important exchanges in the sector in Latin America and the Caribbean.... More
