Santiago de Chile, March 12 (RHC)-- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet received Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz-Canel, who headed the island’s delegation to her official swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday.... More

Santiago de Cuba, March 12 (RHC)-- Two floral tributes, on behalf of Revolution leader Fidel Castro and President Raul Castro, were placed in homage to the combatants of the Frank Pais 2nd Eastern Guerrilla Front on the 56th anniversary of its creation. ... More

Havana, March 11 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro paid tribute on Monday evening to Cuban Heroine Melba Hernandez, who passed away on Sunday in Havana.... More

Santiago de Chile, March 11 (RHC)-- First Vice President Miguel Diaz Canel has arrived in Chile heading Cuba’s delegation to the swearing-in ceremony of President Michelle Bachelet. The delegation also includes Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez.... More

Havana, March 11 (RHC)-- A delegation headed by the president of the People’s Supreme Court of Vietnam, Truong Hoa Binh, is paying a visit to Cuba as part of bilateral relations in that field.... More

Tajikistan, March 11 (RHC)-- Tajikistani President Emomali Rajmon expressed on Monday his willingness to expand economic and commercial cooperation relations with Cuba as he received the credentials of the new Cuban ambassador to that country Carlos Valdes.... More

Caracas, March 11 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stressed on Monday what he described as the “incalculable assistance that Cuba gives Venezuela in caring for the health of the people in a deeply humanitarian and supportive gesture.”... More

Santiago de Chile, 11 mar (EFE).- La presidenta chilena, Michelle Bachelet, tomó juramento este martes a los ministros de su gobierno, entre los cuales hay jóvenes figuras que han tenido poca presencia pública hasta ahora y "pesos pesado" en carteras clave como Educación, Relaciones Exteriores y Energía.... More

Havana, March 11 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro paid tribute on Monday evening to Cuban Heroine Melba Hernandez, who passed away on Sunday in Havana.... More

Santiago de Chile, March 11 (RHC)-- Cuban First Vice President Miguel Diaz Canel arrived in Chile heading the island’s delegation that will attend the swearing-in ceremony of President Michelle Bachelet. The Cuban delegation also includes Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez. ... More

Havana, March 10 (RHC)-- Cuban President Raul Castro described the Special Development Zone at the Harbor of Mariel, located west of Havana, as the most important project being built on the island. ... More

Havana, March 10 (RHC)-- The Cuban Communist Party reports the sad news that Melba Hernandez, member of the Party’s Central Committee and deputy to the National Parliament, passed away Sunday, March 9th. She died at the age of 92 from complications linked to Diabetes Mellitus, a disease she had suffered for a number of years. ... More

Harare, March 10 (RHC)-- Cuban Business Group LABIOFAM and the Agricultural Marketing Authority of Zimbabwe signed a memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the African country's capital.... More

Havana, March 10 (RHC)-- The Ernest Hemingway International Marlin Fishing Tournament invites nautical sports lovers to come to Havana from June 9th through the 14th.... More

Cairo, March 10 (RHC)-- At a meeting of the Arab League in Cairo, Cuba demanded the end of illegal Israeli practices in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, ratifying its support for the creation of an independent Palestinian State.... More
