Havana, April 10 (RHC) Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel tours important economic entities in the city of Baracoa, one of Cuba's most beautiful cities, accompanied by Political Bureau member and Secretary of Organization, Roberto Morales Ojeda.... More

Havana, April 10 (RHC) -- Cuba is betting on the application of homeopathy, which, due to its potential and impact on health and quality of life, constitutes a valid therapeutic care system in the Caribbean country.... More

Havana, April 10 (RHC)-- President Miguel Díaz-Canel today congratulated Cuba's Forest Ranger Corps on its 65th anniversary and highlighted its work in the defense of the Caribbean nation's natural heritage.... More

Havana, April 10 (RHC) -- Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez, through his account on X, today extended warm congratulations to Muslims in his country and the world, on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the holiday that ends the holy month of Ramadan.... More

Cienfuegos, April 10 (RHC) -- Ulises Guilarte de Nacimiento, General Secretary of the Central de Trabajadores de Cuba (CTC) participated this Tuesday in the reading of the Call for May 1st, International Workers' Day, held at the Cienfuegos Oil Refinery.... More

Havana, April 10 (RHC) --The People's Forum, an organization based in New York City, has collected more than 600 donations after launching a solidarity campaign this week to send food to Cuba, the Caribbean nation's Foreign Ministry said today.... More

Havana, April 9 (RHC)-- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez today proposed CELAC to issue an urgent communiqué to condemn the violation perpetrated by Ecuador against the Mexican embassy in Quito and the aggression against its diplomatic personnel.... More

Havana, April 9 (RHC) -- Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez announced through his account on X, his participation in the Virtual Meeting of CELAC Foreign Ministers in response to the violent break-in at the Mexican Embassy in Ecuador.... More

Havana, April 9 (RHC) The Cuban ambassador to Uzbekistan attending from Azerbaijan, Carlos Valdés, held an online meeting today with the director of the Department of America of the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, Kajramon Shakirov.... More

Havana, April 9 (RHC) -- Cuba and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) expressed on Monday their willingness to strengthen cooperation and joint work in disaster situations.... More

Havana, April 9 (ACN) -- The 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution and the 117th anniversary of the birth of politician and diplomat Raúl Roa García (1907-1982) were the theme of a conference held Monday at the Higher Institute of International Relations (ISRI) in Havana.... More

Havana, April 9 (RHC)-- The Cuban Association of the United Nations (ACNU) has condemned the attack on the Mexican embassy in Ecuador and described it as an unacceptable transgression of international law and the right to asylum, which emerged in the region.... More

Havana, April 8 (RHC) The president of the National Assembly of People's Power of Cuba, Esteban Lazo, highlighted the excellent state of the relations with the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.... More

Havana, April 8 (RHC) The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez, denounced today that the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is the largest military emitter of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) on the planet.... More

Havana, April 8 (RHC) Cuban president Miguel Díaz-Canel this Sunday mourned the death of the prominent intellectual and historian Rolando Rodríguez García, and sent condolences to his family and friends.... More
