INDER to strengthen chess massification

Edited by Ed Newman
2022-02-11 06:42:02


Osvaldo Vento at Chess Academy in Guane

Havana, February 11 (RHC)-- Rescuing the scope of the chess massification program designed by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro is a priority for INDER, in line with what has been indicated by the country's leadership, said its president, Osvaldo Vento.

"The purpose is to retake the best experiences of those years to consolidate the schools as the main scenario for the teaching of that discipline, knowing all that it contributes beyond its competitive aspect", emphasized the director.

In the recently renovated Jose Raul Capablanca Academy, in the Pinar del Río municipality of Guane, Vento recalled the interest of the historic leader of the Revolution in the extension of that practice, and insisted on spaces that contribute to the training of those in charge of implementing it.

He called for the identification of all teachers prepared to contribute to the teaching of the so-called Game Science, conceive the preparation of others and take advantage of premises such as classrooms, dining rooms and libraries, in the educational institutions themselves, to deploy a work also called to be strengthened from the new technologies.

"We have to work very hard, together with the Ministry of Education, committed to what it means to provide our children with the tools developed by chess", said Vento, who believes that chess will eventually become a subject with a curricular output in primary education.

The Academy, praised by him as "an example of the rescue of facilities attached to the culture of detail", is one of several that the workers of the sector are proud of in Guane, where this Thursday was inaugurated a complex for judo, table tennis and weightlifting.

"It is very pleasant to appreciate how effort makes dreams like these come true," said Vento, equally satisfied with the improvement of the conditions created in the municipal directorate and the office destined to his technical-methodological team.

"These are actions that dignify workers who deserve it for their sense of belonging and absolute dedication to the missions entrusted to them", he said in a day that also allowed him to talk with specialists and trainees in several combined units.

In Number 3, in the town of Sábalo, the work of its 38 workers leaves traces expressed in the criteria of grandparents who recognize in the technicians essential weapons for their health, and in the decision to undertake actions that will increase the level of their infrastructure.

A similar atmosphere prevails in those bearing the names of Nancy Uranga and Pedro A. Quintana, in line with what has been appreciated in other municipalities, the Eide, the Epef and the provincial directorate, headquarters of other exchanges led by the remaining members of the working group that undertook the tour.

This was highlighted in the meeting that summarized these two days, headed by the first secretary of the Party in Pinar del Río, Julio César Rodríguez Pimentel, equally marked by the insistence on the need to identify formulas that meet the needs inherent to the improvement.

Inder vice-president Ariel Sainz Rodriguez called here Thursday to solve pressing problems that today hinder processes in the sport in Pinar del Río, at the conclusion of a visit of the National Inder.

The two-day work with Inder executives in the eastern province, as well as in the Eide Carlos Leyva, the Epef, and the capital, Jobabo and Colombia municipalities allowed the visitors to verify achievements and deficiencies.

Among the latter, the deficit of technical strength and violations in the development of competitive programs in the pioneer and school categories, fundamentally, stand out.

Among the suggestions made, the need to increase attention to sports glories and link them more with young people, as well as to reactivate relations with the mini-industries that produce sporting goods, also stand out.

"We know that the territory has potentialities to exploit, therefore we suggest to increase more the management to increase the insurance to the sport with local production", expressed to those present among which was the director of sports in the territory Alexis Perez Leyva.

In this sense, he requested to look for solutions for the maintenance of facilities such as the Eide Carlos Leyva González, especially its deteriorated basketball court.

A meeting with students of that school led to an update on the state of the internal life of the students, among other things.


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