Mexican front-runner Lopez Obrador during a campaign event in Tantoyuca, Veracruz.  May 10, 2018.   Photo: EFE

Mexico City, May 15 (RHC)-- The Mexican center-left presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, or AMLO, said the current government spent hundreds of millions of dollars in a smear campaign ... More

A file photo of an Israeli F-16 fighter jet.  Photo: Press TV

Gaza City, May 15 (RHC)-- An Israeli warplane has targeted several positions of the Palestinian Hamas resistance movement in the northern part of the besieged Gaza Strip... More

Managua, May 15 (RHC) Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, the Archbishop of Managua and head of the Nicaraguan Bishops Conference, announced the start of peace talks for Wednesday, although circumstances for the dialogue are not ideal. The Catholic church is acting as a mediator.... More

 U.S. House of Representatives.  Photo:  Google File

Washington, May 14 (RHC)-- U.S. President Donald Trump’s planned space force has been supported by lawmakers at the House of Representatives.  The House Armed Services Committee voted down a proposal by Ohio Republican Representative Mike Turner during the panel’s markup of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).... More

 A woman wearing a hijab passes by several election banners for the September general elections in Berlin, on August 23, 2017.  Photo: AFP

Berlin, May 14 (RHC)-- A court in the German capital, Berlin, has upheld a law preventing a Muslim teacher from wearing a headscarf to work, rejecting her discrimination complaint.... More

Oil tankers will most likely continue to do business with Iran.  Photo: AFP

New York, May 14 (RHC)-- Signs have appeared that show U.S. President Donald Trump’s threat of curbing Iran’s oil exports once new sanctions are put in place is easier said than done as world’s biggest buyers are already reluctant to forego their Iran import plans.  A report by Bloomberg said Chinese and Indian buyers were likely to continue buying oil from Iran.... More

More Mexican politicians murdered as elections approach in July.  Photo:  Reuters

Mexico City, May 14 (RHC)-- As another politician was killed in Mexico last week, the country registers 91 politicians murdered during the electoral campaign leading to the national elections scheduled for July 1, 2018.  ... More

A Palestinian demonstrator drags a burning tire during a protest against U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem at the Israel-Gaza border, May 14, 2018. Reuters

Gaza City, May 14 (RHC)-- More than 35,000 Palestinian demonstrators marched along the Gaza border on Monday to reject the official transfer of the United States Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. According to health officials, Israeli troops have killed at least 50 Palestinians, including a 14-year old boy and a man in a wheelchair.... More

Bogota, May 14 (RHC)-- The National Liberation Army (ELN) of Colombia has announced that it will stop all of its military activities from the 25th to the 29th of this month on the occasion of the Colombian presidential elections.... More

Thousands march in Buenos Aires to protest IMF loans.  Photo: Reuters

Buenos Aires, May 11 (RHC)-- Thousands of Argentineans marched in Buenos Aires on Thursday against the economic policies of the administration of Mauricio Macri... More

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi.  Photo: File photo

Tehran, May 11 (RHC)-- Iran has condemned Israel's recent attack on Syria, calling it an attempt by the main supporter of Syrian terrorist groups to retaliate their many defeats against the government of Syrian President Bashar as-Assad. ... More

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo with Saudi Arabia's King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud in Riyadh, April 29, 2018.  Photo: Reuters

Riyadh, May 11 (RHC)-- Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies highly praised Washington's decision to withdraw from the international nuclear accord with Iran.  ... More

A group of women protest against the government of Jimmy Morales in front of the national palace in Guatemala City.  Photo: Reuters

Guatemala City, May 11 (RHC)-- In yet another interventionist move, U.S. Republican senator Marco Rubio has announced his country would halt funding to Guatemala's anti-corruption Comisión Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG). ... More

Mothers of the missing marched to demand authorities to never forget the cases of their children. EFE/SASHENKA GUTIERREZ

Mexico City, May 11 (RHC)-- Thousands of Mexican women marched on Mother’s Day in the country’s capital and other cities on Thursday to demand justice in the cases of their missing children.... More

An activist of Workers Party holds a sign with a photo of International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Christine Lagarde and Argentine President Mauricio

Buenos Aires, May 10 (RHC)-- In Argentina, the block of deputies of the Peronist-Kirchnerist alliance Frente para la Victoria (Front for Victory) criticized the decision of the Argentinean President Mauricio Macri ... More
